Mackenzie Gearin

Mackenzie Gearin

Hendrix College

Mackenzie Gearin


Homecoming: Experiences of Return Around the World

  • Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • ,
  • Serbia
  • ,
  • Kosovo
  • ,
  • Senegal
  • ,
  • Kenya
  • ,
  • Sri Lanka
  • ,
  • Japan
  • ,
  • Kazakhstan
  • ,
  • Kyrgyzstan
  • ,
  • Uzbekistan
  • ,
  • Ireland

[email protected]

My Watson focused on the choice and experience of returning home following collective displacement: from genocide, indigenous eviction, deportation, nuclear disaster, armed conflict, and detention. I explored how leaving home affects us, how our homes change without us, and what pulls us home in our increasingly-globalized world.

Mackenzie Gearin traveling with the Watson Foundation
Mackenzie Gearin traveling with the Watson Foundation
Mackenzie Gearin traveling with the Watson Foundation
Mackenzie Gearin traveling with the Watson Foundation
Mackenzie Gearin traveling with the Watson Foundation
Mackenzie Gearin traveling with the Watson Foundation
Mackenzie Gearin traveling with the Watson Foundation
Mackenzie Gearin traveling with the Watson Foundation
Mackenzie Gearin traveling with the Watson Foundation
Mackenzie Gearin traveling with the Watson Foundation
Mackenzie Gearin traveling with the Watson Foundation
Mackenzie Gearin traveling with the Watson Foundation
Mackenzie Gearin traveling with the Watson Foundation
Mackenzie Gearin traveling with the Watson Foundation