Katie Jose

Katie Jose

Whitman College

Katie Jose


Understanding Traditional Medicine

  • Ecuador
  • ,
  • Argentina
  • ,
  • Costa Rica
  • ,
  • The Philippines
  • ,
  • Hong Kong

[email protected]

Developed over generations, traditional medicine, also known as indigenous or folk medicine is used by over 80% of the world’s population. I hope to understand the complexities of these treatments and the potential that exists between traditional and Western medicine.

Katie Jose traveling with the Watson Foundation
Katie Jose traveling with the Watson Foundation
Katie Jose traveling with the Watson Foundation
Katie Jose traveling with the Watson Foundation
Katie Jose traveling with the Watson Foundation
Katie Jose traveling with the Watson Foundation
Katie Jose traveling with the Watson Foundation
Katie Jose traveling with the Watson Foundation
Katie Jose traveling with the Watson Foundation
Katie Jose traveling with the Watson Foundation
Katie Jose traveling with the Watson Foundation
Katie Jose traveling with the Watson Foundation