Cseca Gazzolo

Cseca Gazzolo

Wellesley College

Cseca Gazzolo


Bridges, Breaks and the Beyond in World Religions

  • Germany
  • ,
  • France
  • ,
  • Italy
  • ,
  • Turkey
  • ,
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • ,
  • South Africa
  • ,
  • Vietnam
  • ,
  • Taiwan
  • ,
  • The Philippines
  • ,
  • Japan

[email protected]

What is religion? What is God? What does it mean to be good? Is “goodness” a universal concept? Worshipping alongside host families and strangers, in churches and temples and the great outdoors, I discovered the varying importance of ritual, faith, mythology and ethics in our belief systems.

Cseca Gazzolo traveling with the Watson Foundation
Cseca Gazzolo traveling with the Watson Foundation
Cseca Gazzolo traveling with the Watson Foundation
Cseca Gazzolo traveling with the Watson Foundation
Cseca Gazzolo traveling with the Watson Foundation
Cseca Gazzolo traveling with the Watson Foundation
Cseca Gazzolo traveling with the Watson Foundation
Cseca Gazzolo traveling with the Watson Foundation
Cseca Gazzolo traveling with the Watson Foundation
Cseca Gazzolo traveling with the Watson Foundation
Cseca Gazzolo traveling with the Watson Foundation
Cseca Gazzolo traveling with the Watson Foundation