Kai Greenlees

Kai Greenlees

Vassar College

Kai Greenlees


Individual and Systems Change: Interconnected Climate Mitigation Pathways

  • Canada
  • ,
  • Greece
  • ,
  • Spain
  • ,
  • Australia
  • ,
  • New Zealand
  • ,
  • Germany
  • ,
  • Denmark

[email protected]

This year I explored how the relationship between individual and systems change can enable (or bar) rapid and just climate mitigation. I traveled to several high-emitting countries facing climate stressors to connect with folks from diverse backgrounds to understand how grassroots action is influenced and influences economics, policy, and culture.

Kai Greenlees traveling with the Watson Foundation
Kai Greenlees traveling with the Watson Foundation
Kai Greenlees traveling with the Watson Foundation
Kai Greenlees traveling with the Watson Foundation
Kai Greenlees traveling with the Watson Foundation
Kai Greenlees traveling with the Watson Foundation
Kai Greenlees traveling with the Watson Foundation
Kai Greenlees traveling with the Watson Foundation
Kai Greenlees traveling with the Watson Foundation
Kai Greenlees traveling with the Watson Foundation
Kai Greenlees traveling with the Watson Foundation
Kai Greenlees traveling with the Watson Foundation
Kai Greenlees traveling with the Watson Foundation
Kai Greenlees traveling with the Watson Foundation