Elizabeth LaCroix

Elizabeth LaCroix

Bates College

Elizabeth LaCroix


The Global Story of Menstrual Pain

  • Sweden
  • ,
  • Denmark
  • ,
  • The Netherlands
  • ,
  • Argentina
  • ,
  • Uruguay
  • ,
  • Brazil
  • ,
  • Bolivia
  • ,
  • Taiwan
  • ,
  • Japan
  • ,
  • Nepal

[email protected]

By collecting cross-cultural stories on menstrual pain, I sought to heal the lines of miscommunication between patients, medical practitioners, and researchers. While searching for alternative methods of treatment other than hormonal contraception, I gained an understanding, both biological and psychological, of this pain.

Elizabeth LaCroix traveling with the Watson Foundation
Elizabeth LaCroix traveling with the Watson Foundation
Elizabeth LaCroix traveling with the Watson Foundation
Elizabeth LaCroix traveling with the Watson Foundation
Elizabeth LaCroix traveling with the Watson Foundation
Elizabeth LaCroix traveling with the Watson Foundation
Elizabeth LaCroix traveling with the Watson Foundation
Elizabeth LaCroix traveling with the Watson Foundation
Elizabeth LaCroix traveling with the Watson Foundation