Lelo Shamambo

Lelo Shamambo

Rhodes College

Lelo Shamambo


Nature and Health Systems We Build Around It

  • France
  • ,
  • Morocco
  • ,
  • Senegal
  • ,
  • Benin

[email protected]

I spent my Watson year gaining a deeper understanding of alternative approaches to medicine outside conventional scientific perspectives. I saw ways that “pills and potions” intersected interestingly when it comes to our relationship to healing and health.

Lelo Shamambo traveling with the Watson Foundation
Lelo Shamambo traveling with the Watson Foundation
Lelo Shamambo traveling with the Watson Foundation
Lelo Shamambo traveling with the Watson Foundation
Lelo Shamambo traveling with the Watson Foundation
Lelo Shamambo traveling with the Watson Foundation
Lelo Shamambo traveling with the Watson Foundation
Lelo Shamambo traveling with the Watson Foundation
Lelo Shamambo traveling with the Watson Foundation
Lelo Shamambo traveling with the Watson Foundation
Lelo Shamambo traveling with the Watson Foundation
Lelo Shamambo traveling with the Watson Foundation
Lelo Shamambo traveling with the Watson Foundation