Ben Portzen

Ben Portzen

Lawrence University

Ben Portzen


Terra Incognita: Embracing Our Unknowns Through Art

  • Germany
  • ,
  • Belgium
  • ,
  • Canada
  • ,
  • United Kingdom
  • ,
  • Estonia
  • ,
  • Italy

[email protected]

What role can art play in imagining and building a more equitable, sustainable, and compassionate future? I explored how - across a variety of traditions, locales, and media - art makes space for the unknown to be embraced, and transformed from feared into fascinating.

Ben Portzen traveling with the Watson Foundation
Ben Portzen traveling with the Watson Foundation
Ben Portzen traveling with the Watson Foundation
Ben Portzen traveling with the Watson Foundation
Ben Portzen traveling with the Watson Foundation
Ben Portzen traveling with the Watson Foundation
Ben Portzen traveling with the Watson Foundation
Ben Portzen traveling with the Watson Foundation
Ben Portzen traveling with the Watson Foundation
Ben Portzen traveling with the Watson Foundation
Ben Portzen traveling with the Watson Foundation