Garrett Bullock

Garrett Bullock

Ursinus College

Garrett Bullock


Percussion as Pedagogy: Instilling Cultural Values

  • Japan
  • ,
  • Peru
  • ,
  • Australia
  • ,
  • Ghana

[email protected]

What do we really teach when we teach percussion? I immersed myself in global drumming traditions to understand the complex relationship between music, education, identity, and cultural values. I tried to understand how performance and musicality are shaped by and reflect values, and how identity impacts a person’s engagement with this musical form.

Garrett Bullock traveling with the Watson Foundation
Garrett Bullock traveling with the Watson Foundation
Garrett Bullock traveling with the Watson Foundation
Garrett Bullock traveling with the Watson Foundation
Garrett Bullock traveling with the Watson Foundation
Garrett Bullock traveling with the Watson Foundation
Garrett Bullock traveling with the Watson Foundation
Garrett Bullock traveling with the Watson Foundation
Garrett Bullock traveling with the Watson Foundation
Garrett Bullock traveling with the Watson Foundation
Garrett Bullock traveling with the Watson Foundation