Abel Sapirstein
Harvey Mudd College
Davidson College
For many people around the world, access to healthcare is limited by their racial identity. I traveled to countries whose history or current policies infringe upon afro-decedents’ basic rights to health services and studied how the intersection of race and racism in healthcare affects millions of lives across the diaspora.
2023 Fellows
Harvey Mudd College
Amherst College
Pomona College
Reed College
Hamilton College
Bard College
Bard College
Wheaton College
Union College
Haverford College
Davidson College
Pitzer College
Wellesley College
Grinnell College
Union College
Middlebury College
Hamilton College
Oberlin College
Davidson College
Amherst College
Earlham College
Whitman College
Wellesley College
Bates College
Berea College
Hendrix College
Connecticut College
Colby College
Middlebury College
Harvey Mudd College
University of Puget Sound
Davidson College
Colgate University
Rice University
Whitman Colege
Wesleyan University
Davidson College
Lawrence University
Bowdoin College
Pomona College
Connecticut College
Oberlin College
Middlebury College
Lawrence University
Hendrix College
Macalester College
Carleton College
Bryn Mawr College