Evangelos Sarantinos

Evangelos Sarantinos


Whitman College

Evangelos Sarantinos


Rare Disease & the World’s Caregivers

  • Spain
  • ,
  • France
  • ,
  • Israel
  • ,
  • Palestine
  • ,
  • Jordan
  • ,
  • United Kingdom
  • ,
  • India
  • ,
  • Malaysia

[email protected]

My project explored how rare disease caregiving networks thrive and fall short in the communities that they serve. This year, I carried and communicated these network’s diverse advancements to benefit the lives of those most affected.

Evangelos Sarantinos traveling with the Watson Foundation
Evangelos Sarantinos traveling with the Watson Foundation
Evangelos Sarantinos traveling with the Watson Foundation
Evangelos Sarantinos traveling with the Watson Foundation
Evangelos Sarantinos traveling with the Watson Foundation
Evangelos Sarantinos traveling with the Watson Foundation
Evangelos Sarantinos traveling with the Watson Foundation
Evangelos Sarantinos traveling with the Watson Foundation
Evangelos Sarantinos traveling with the Watson Foundation
Evangelos Sarantinos traveling with the Watson Foundation

2023 Fellows