Ricardo D. Jimenez

Ricardo D. Jimenez


Lawrence University

Ricardo D. Jimenez


Rediscovering My Roots: A Journey Through the Voice

  • Germany
  • ,
  • Austria
  • ,
  • Spain
  • ,
  • India
  • ,
  • Sri Lanka
  • ,
  • Senegal
  • ,
  • Brazil
  • ,
  • Japan

[email protected]

My project was about the intersectionality of self and culture and how music, a type of voice, helps us to navigate that intersection. My goal was to experience how others navigate these crossroads and how this experience can vary amongst people and cultures. It was a study of connections.

Ricardo D. Jimenez traveling with the Watson Foundation
Ricardo D. Jimenez traveling with the Watson Foundation
Ricardo D. Jimenez traveling with the Watson Foundation
Ricardo D. Jimenez traveling with the Watson Foundation
Ricardo D. Jimenez traveling with the Watson Foundation
Ricardo D. Jimenez traveling with the Watson Foundation
Ricardo D. Jimenez traveling with the Watson Foundation
Ricardo D. Jimenez traveling with the Watson Foundation
Ricardo D. Jimenez traveling with the Watson Foundation
Ricardo D. Jimenez traveling with the Watson Foundation
Ricardo D. Jimenez traveling with the Watson Foundation
Ricardo D. Jimenez traveling with the Watson Foundation
Ricardo D. Jimenez traveling with the Watson Foundation
Ricardo D. Jimenez traveling with the Watson Foundation
Ricardo D. Jimenez traveling with the Watson Foundation
Ricardo D. Jimenez traveling with the Watson Foundation

2023 Fellows