Bethany Costello

Bethany Costello


Union College

Bethany Costello


Global Sustainability, Local Engagement

  • Vietnam
  • ,
  • Cambodia
  • ,
  • Thailand
  • ,
  • Malaysia
  • ,
  • Singapore
  • ,
  • Austria
  • ,
  • Switzerland
  • ,
  • Hungary
  • ,
  • Romania
  • ,
  • Bulgaria
  • ,
  • Turkey
  • ,
  • Albania
  • ,
  • Croatia

[email protected]

My Watson year focused on connecting with organizations and movements across a variety of environmental issues, from climate to plastics to conservation. I volunteered with different types of activism, communities, and environmental solutions while attempting to minimize my flight travel to reduce my carbon footprint and experience alternative transportation options.

Bethany Costello traveling with the Watson Foundation
Bethany Costello traveling with the Watson Foundation
Bethany Costello traveling with the Watson Foundation
Bethany Costello traveling with the Watson Foundation
Bethany Costello traveling with the Watson Foundation
Bethany Costello traveling with the Watson Foundation
Bethany Costello traveling with the Watson Foundation
Bethany Costello traveling with the Watson Foundation
Bethany Costello traveling with the Watson Foundation
Bethany Costello traveling with the Watson Foundation
Bethany Costello traveling with the Watson Foundation
Bethany Costello traveling with the Watson Foundation
Bethany Costello traveling with the Watson Foundation
Bethany Costello traveling with the Watson Foundation
Bethany Costello traveling with the Watson Foundation
Bethany Costello traveling with the Watson Foundation
Bethany Costello traveling with the Watson Foundation
Bethany Costello traveling with the Watson Foundation
Bethany Costello traveling with the Watson Foundation
Bethany Costello traveling with the Watson Foundation
Bethany Costello traveling with the Watson Foundation

2023 Fellows