Leury Gadiel Holguin

Leury Gadiel Holguin

Wheaton College

Leury Gadiel Holguin


Exploring Narratives of Queer Filmmakers

  • Mexico
  • ,
  • Puerto Rico
  • ,
  • Brazil


This year I met and collaborated with queer filmmakers by participating in a film festival, taking on several roles on the production of independent projects, and shadowing executives of production companies. Recognizing queer as an identity, a stance, and/or an action, allowed me to explore the processes that these filmmakers use to define their voices and navigate their experiences.

Leury Gadiel Holguin traveling with the Watson Foundation
Leury Gadiel Holguin traveling with the Watson Foundation
Leury Gadiel Holguin traveling with the Watson Foundation
Leury Gadiel Holguin traveling with the Watson Foundation
Leury Gadiel Holguin traveling with the Watson Foundation

2019 Fellows