Cello Lockwood

Cello Lockwood

Whitman College

Cello Lockwood


Economics & Environment in the Equine World

  • Australia
  • ,
  • Jordan
  • ,
  • UK
  • ,
  • Ireland
  • ,
  • Argentina

[email protected]

For 5,000 years the horse was a key factor in the advance of human civilization. Today, equine roles have changed, and horses have a limited role in production and services. As a result, horse cultures face increased economic and environmental pressures. I explored the tensions and solutions that have surfaced in response to these contemporary challenges, investigating the feedback loop between horses, the economy, and the environment around them.

Cello Lockwood traveling with the Watson Foundation
Cello Lockwood traveling with the Watson Foundation
Cello Lockwood traveling with the Watson Foundation
Cello Lockwood traveling with the Watson Foundation
Cello Lockwood traveling with the Watson Foundation
Cello Lockwood traveling with the Watson Foundation
Cello Lockwood traveling with the Watson Foundation

2019 Fellows