Angus Pritchard
Sewanee: the University of the South
Founded in 1968, the Watson is a rare window of time after college and pre-career for promising undergraduates to engage their deepest interests on a world scale. Chosen from select American colleges, fellows conceive original projects, execute them independently outside of the United States for one year and embrace the ensuing journey. They decide where to go, who to meet and when to change course. The program produces a year of personal insight, perspective and confidence that contributes deeply to fellows’ becoming more humane and effective leaders in the world community.
These fellows come from 5 countries and 12 states. They have traveled to 79 countries exploring topics ranging from water management to language revitalization; from beekeeping to Black American culture; from public art to women in STEM. These are their journeys.
Winter 2024 Fellows
Sewanee: the University of the South
Union College
Hendrix College
Swarthmore College
Wesleyan University
Bard College
College of the Atlantic
Bryn Mawr College
Hamilton College
Wheaton College
Macalester College
Vassar College
Macalester College
Earlham College
Swarthmore College
Bowdoin College
Wellesley College
Earlham College
Reed College
Scripps College
Sewanee: the University of the South
Pomona College