Angus Pritchard
Sewanee: the University of the South
Pomona College
Chinatowns are a sacred community space for many ethnic groups in times of need. I explored how these spaces and identities were created and maintained through conversations with local residents, participation in longheld traditions, and more through collaborative documentary, photography, and writing.
Winter 2024 Fellows
Sewanee: the University of the South
Union College
Hendrix College
Swarthmore College
Wesleyan University
Bard College
College of the Atlantic
Bryn Mawr College
Hamilton College
Wheaton College
Macalester College
Vassar College
Macalester College
Earlham College
Swarthmore College
Bowdoin College
Wellesley College
Earlham College
Reed College
Scripps College
Sewanee: the University of the South