Angus Pritchard
Sewanee: the University of the South
College of the Atlantic
Through meetings and residencies with the world’s experts on amphibian health, I explored the intricacies of an underrepresented globally distributed fungal pandemic. Field surveillance and laboratory internships introduced me to 100+ new species of amphibians, their habitats and research methods, and eleven new countries and the cultures and people therein.
Winter 2024 Fellows
Sewanee: the University of the South
Union College
Hendrix College
Swarthmore College
Wesleyan University
Bard College
Bryn Mawr College
Hamilton College
Wheaton College
Macalester College
Vassar College
Macalester College
Earlham College
Swarthmore College
Bowdoin College
Wellesley College
Earlham College
Reed College
Scripps College
Sewanee: the University of the South
Pomona College