Alexa Gray
Bowdoin College
Colgate University
Astronomy and the sky have been essential for many cultures since the ancient past. This year I explored ways in which people connect with astronomy to understand what impact and benefit astronomy has on our modern society. Through personal stories, activities at planetariums and observatories, astronomy clubs, local star lore and more, I investigated astronomy’s place in our society. Why do we engage with astronomy and how does it benefit both individuals and communities?
2019 Fellows
Bowdoin College
Hendrix College
Carleton College
Hamilton College
Bowdoin College
Earlham College
Pomona College
Bowdoin College
Whitman College
Middlebury College
Sewanee: University of the South
Pomona College
Rice University
Williams College
Union College
Middlebury College
Colby College
Colorado College
Rice University
Pomona College
Vassar College
Wesleyan University
Davidson College
Wheaton College
Wellesley College
Haverford College
Lawrence University
California Institute of Technology
Wesleyan University
College of the Atlantic
Davidson College
Amherst College
Wheaton College
Wheaton College
Reed College
University of Puget Sound
Union College
Wellesley College
Grinnell College
Swarthmore College